Crushed it in 2 hours. My giant biker thighs make uphill easy compared to downhill, where my right knee makes me sad.
Crushed it in 2 hours. My giant biker thighs make uphill easy compared to downhill, where my right knee makes me sad.
Crushed it in 2 hours. My giant biker thighs make uphill easy compared to downhill, where my right knee makes me sad.
Lauren Mazzarese 12:52 am on May 20, 2012 Permalink |
Welcome to my world, old man.
d&p 7:10 am on May 20, 2012 Permalink |
Oh Doggies. And mine!
Christopher Gibbs 7:46 am on May 20, 2012 Permalink |
Just so I can track you, where are you now?
Gibbs 12:22 pm on May 21, 2012 Permalink |
Fontana Dam Village.
jan and mark 1:11 pm on May 20, 2012 Permalink |
Way to go, David! We’ll be visiting with Jeanne this week. Grandma recovering from a fall, doing better. Hang in there and eat more mussels!