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  • Gibbs 6:09 pm on May 21, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Tex-mex mac’ and cheese at Fontana ‘Hilton.’ 3 times the size of most shelters w/bathroom+shower. These are the things that make me happy.

    • Mom 11:46 pm on May 21, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Technically thisis dad. Some of those shelters are amazing. In PA (or maybe MD) there is a museum of the AT with a reconstruction of an original shelter. Check it out. You won’t believe it.

      • Gibbs 12:30 pm on May 24, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        I’m sure I would. I stayed at Cold Spring Shelter, built in ’33 by the CCC, and doesn’t look like anyone’s touched it since then.

    • d&p 4:27 am on May 22, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Showers. A beautiful thing!

      Hope you can get to see Carrie and Blake! D&P

  • Gibbs 1:25 pm on May 21, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    As I sit down to write out a long post I realize that there isn’t a whole lot to tell about. When I was doing my blog for my bike trip I tried to post at least every other day. So I was always trying to think about things to write about. On this trip things tend to blur together so that yesterday I probably had something I wanted to Tweet but couldn’t find a signal, and now today its gone from my mind.

    I’m currently about 3 miles from Fontana Dam, largest dam on the east coast. I’ll be staying at the shelter there tonight then starting my trip through the Smokey Mountains tomorrow. I’ve covered about 165 miles so far, with so many more to go. My knee still hurts, though wrapping it helps, as does going slow on the downhills. I’ve seen a lot of trees. They call the AT the long green tunnel, and its an apt name. I probably get a good view every 10-15 miles, so about once a day. Thats not a complaint as the trees are also beatiful. To get a sense of what it looks like watch The Hunger Games, which was shot in North Carolina. Like that, but way more up and down.

    I’m not even 2-weeks into my trip so I’m sure my perspective will change as I get further along. While I find the Twitter 140-character format annoying I’ll get better at expressing myself within its constraints and hope to share more of the trail with everyone.

  • Gibbs 7:17 pm on May 19, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Crushed it in 2 hours. My giant biker thighs make uphill easy compared to downhill, where my right knee makes me sad.

  • Gibbs 3:26 pm on May 19, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Had a nice 3 hour rest at the NOC. Ate a burger, uploaded some pics, now off to climb 3,000ft over the next 6 miles. Thats a lot of uphill.

  • Gibbs 1:43 pm on May 18, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    An #AT riddle: How is Gibbs like a bear? Hint: obvious answer is obvious.

  • Gibbs 5:41 pm on May 17, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Dinner in Franklin, NC today. Mussels over linguine from Caffe Rel a french bistro in the same building as a gas station. Awesome.

  • Gibbs 5:52 pm on May 16, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Longest day so far, 19 miles. I saw two snakes and 2nd largest poplar tree in the USA. Tomorrow I’m going to town to resupply and rest.

  • Gibbs 7:22 pm on May 15, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Was a crappy day, but camping on Standing Indian Mtn. awaiting the sunset makes up for it.

    • Christopher Gibbs 1:04 am on May 16, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Right about where I figured you’d be. Not in the shelter on Little Lyman Prong?

      • Gibbs 10:21 am on May 17, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        As long as the weather is nice I generally avoid shelters. Crowded, mice ridden, etc.

    • Mom 5:30 am on May 16, 2012 Permalink | Reply

      Do you have a trail name yet? Brian (possibly known as Bugspray) is a bit ahead of you on the trail. He is brother-in-law to Amy who works for us. I probably met him some years ago at Amy and Dan’s wedding. Rainy hear, too, but we have roofs!

      • Gibbs 10:23 am on May 17, 2012 Permalink | Reply

        No trail name yet. I’ll keep an eye out for Bugspray.

  • Gibbs 9:08 am on May 15, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Goodbye Georgia, hello North Carolina. 79 miles down, 2,096 to go on the #AT.

  • Gibbs 10:48 am on May 14, 2012 Permalink | Reply  

    Nothing like putting on a cold, damp shirt in the morning to get you moving around.

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